
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Fishing Superstars tips, tricks and info.

This Blog has been created to help Fishing Superstars players succeed in becoming expert anglers. Here are a few quick tips for success:

1. Get friends! The fastest way to acquire the items required to upgrade equipment and fish spots with different kinds of bait without spending stars or money is to have friends that play the game a lot.
You may have up to 50 friends on fishing superstars and it is important to choose which friends will help you succeed. The easiest way to get friends is to publish a review on android market including your username and or checking the recent reviews and adding other players usernames. After you have added 50 friends, start paying attention to their player accounts. If they do not log on often and you don't see them level up consistently, get rid of them. You can edit your friends list by logging on to Gamevil.

2. Stock your' aquarium and feed your fish! Having friends will make you money in several ways; one of which, is by having your friends feed your fish. I have compiled a list of fish values on this blog for your' reference. Once a fish in your aquarium has reached level SSS, sell it for the highest possible value to make money.

3. Events! Gamevil periodically shuts down their servers for 4-8 hours to upload an event. The events can earn you money and stars that will help you purchase more equipment and bait. Though the wait times are sometimes unbearably long and annoying, the updates and events always make the game more fun and exciting.

4. Upgrade, Upgrade, Upgrade! As you upgrade equipment, your stats increase allowing you to take fish easier and go after more challenging fish. Don't upgrade your default "Old Rod." You can upgrade it all you want but it will only cost money and get you nowhere. Save enough money to buy a better pole and upgrade that one. The more expensive the Rod, the more the stats will increase upon upgrade.

5. Save Money and Stars! more importantly save stars. DO NOT USE STARS TO FEED FISH OR EARLY-UNLOCK FISHING SITES. This is a complete waste. Have patience and save your stars for S-Baits and to buy new rods and equipment. Rods and equipment purchased with stars always increase your luck stats. Having higher luck stats will increase your chances of catching rare fish and larger fish.

These are the most important tips I can give you to start. If you feel I left something important out, feel free to drop me an email at     > fishingsuperstarsplayers@yahoo.com

Fishing Superstars Fish Value at SSS

I have compiled a short list of the net worth of fish that can be caught in the game. This list has been designed to help players recognize the worth of fish to earn more money allowing players to purchased new equipment, fishing rods, bait ect.

if you would like to add to this list please send a screenshot (as pictured below)

to add to this list send to > fishingsuperstarsplayers@yahoo.com

Fish Type Net Worth At SSS
Red Flag Isurus 9 Stars
Big Black Snakehead 6 Stars
Black Hole Wels Catfish 6 Stars
Mad Goliath Tiger 6 Stars
Tiger Barracuda  6 Stars
Angled Sturgeon 6 Stars
Monster Pike 6 Stars
King Pirarucu 6 Stars
Goliath Tiger 3 Stars
Alligator Gar 3 Stars
Nile Perch 3 Stars
Sturgeon 3 Stars
Giant Grouper 3 Stars
Sunfish 3 Stars
Saw-Edged Perch 3 Stars
Wels Catfish 3 Stars
King Salmon 2991
Taimen 2970
Butterfish (Deep Blue Hole) 2850
Blackfin Barracuda 2718
Blue Parrotfish 2637
Redtail Catfish  2622
Yellow Flatfish 2538
Sailfish 2538
Fat Bass 2478
Titan Triggerfish 2457
Murray Cod 2445
Anglerfish 2415
Roughscale Sole 2394
Butterfish (weird rock bridge) 2394
Marine Betta 2361
Skate 2340
Rainbow Runner 2319
Bigeye Tuna 2190
Atlantic Tripletail 2148
Sockeye Salmon 2124
Brown Trout 2058
Parrotfish  2040
Red Oscar 2013
Wahoo 2010
Beardfish 1974
Spiny Lumpsucker 1974
Spotted Parrotfish 1950
Striped Bonito 1950
Blue Marlin 1935
Red Seabream 1893
Longtooth Grouper 1860
Barramundi 1860
Belted Beard Grunt 1815
Atlantic Bigeye 1794
Black Sea Bass 1761
Grouper 1755
Busiri 1755
Coral Sea Bass 1728
Seaperch 1692
Blufin Trevally 1671
Asian Arowana 1647
Iridescent Shark 1647
Alaska Mackerel 1644
Sea Raven 1632
Sea Rundace 1629
Cisco 1629
Red Sea Yellowtail 1629
Atlantic Mackerel 1596
Black Seabream 1575
Gold Eye 1533
Garish Hind 1521
Red Rockfish 1503
Sea Goldie 1470
Sky Emperor 1458
Flying Fish 1440
Bonito 1410
Spotbelly Rockfish 1365
Alaska Pollock 1359
Saury 1350
Peacock Bass 1347
Bluefish 1335
Panda Grouper 1335
Atka Mackerel 1332
Grayling  1308
Black Bonito 1302
Thai Masha 1302
Napoleon Fish 1287
Tilefish 1275
Zander 1239
Bulgyhead Wrasse 1239
Yelloweye 1236
Sardine 1215
Polka Dot Boxfish 1203
Sandfish 1197
Bonefish 1182
Sandeel 1179
Pacific Pomfret 1173
Bowfin 1155
Candlefish 1149
Pigfish 1143
Sand Smelt 1122
Leopard Grouper 1074
Silver Arowana 1059
Striped Puffer  1059
Dolphinfish 993
Halibut 993
Cherry Antias 957
Pike 915
Stingfish 909
Bigeye Scad 867
Fancy Carp 864
Rockfish  843
Triggerfish 831
Grass Carp 819
Tilapia 816
Spangle Perch 813
Samchi  807
Greenling 807
Butterflyfish 804
Snakehead 792
File Fish  747
Pacific Cod 738
Sea Bass 711
Black Rockfish 690
Gizzard Shad 681
Catfish 681
Red-Eared Slider 678
Scorpionfish  669
White Salmon 648
Mackerel 639
Walleye 597
Carp 585
Horse Mackerel 573
Sea Chub 555
Salmon 525
Redfin Velvetfish 516
Mandarin Fish 489
Bighead Carp 450
Rainbow Trout 441
Tiger Shovelnose 423
Bass 414
Leather Carp 405
Perch 390
Snapping Turtle 378
Cornet Fish 372
Freshwater Ray 363
Trout 279
Blue Gill 225
Cherry Salmon 216
Sharpbelly 186
Crappie 162
Crucian Carp 153
Striped Shiner 120
Yellowfin Goby 114
Javeline Goby 93
River Prawn 51