This Blog has been created to help Fishing Superstars players succeed in becoming expert anglers. Here are a few quick tips for success:
1. Get friends! The fastest way to acquire the items required to upgrade equipment and fish spots with different kinds of bait without spending stars or money is to have friends that play the game a lot.
You may have up to 50 friends on fishing superstars and it is important to choose which friends will help you succeed. The easiest way to get friends is to publish a review on android market including your username and or checking the recent reviews and adding other players usernames. After you have added 50 friends, start paying attention to their player accounts. If they do not log on often and you don't see them level up consistently, get rid of them. You can edit your friends list by logging on to Gamevil.
2. Stock your' aquarium and feed your fish! Having friends will make you money in several ways; one of which, is by having your friends feed your fish. I have compiled a list of fish values on this blog for your' reference. Once a fish in your aquarium has reached level SSS, sell it for the highest possible value to make money.
3. Events! Gamevil periodically shuts down their servers for 4-8 hours to upload an event. The events can earn you money and stars that will help you purchase more equipment and bait. Though the wait times are sometimes unbearably long and annoying, the updates and events always make the game more fun and exciting.
4. Upgrade, Upgrade, Upgrade! As you upgrade equipment, your stats increase allowing you to take fish easier and go after more challenging fish. Don't upgrade your default "Old Rod." You can upgrade it all you want but it will only cost money and get you nowhere. Save enough money to buy a better pole and upgrade that one. The more expensive the Rod, the more the stats will increase upon upgrade.
5. Save Money and Stars! more importantly save stars. DO NOT USE STARS TO FEED FISH OR EARLY-UNLOCK FISHING SITES. This is a complete waste. Have patience and save your stars for S-Baits and to buy new rods and equipment. Rods and equipment purchased with stars always increase your luck stats. Having higher luck stats will increase your chances of catching rare fish and larger fish.
These are the most important tips I can give you to start. If you feel I left something important out, feel free to drop me an email at >
1 – 200 of 321 Newer› Newest»Add me please! - DuyMeo
Need tips for named fish please. Should be able to get one by now, but keep getting my ass kicked. Thanks!
- Fourtwen
My name: AresOG
I'll help out as much as I can!
Add me please. : Buro67
Add me: murinho
New to the game and love it already add me :) dksde
nmcotton - daily player will feed your fish!
Add me spaniard7. I play daily
Add me zachary7. Play and feed.daily
Add me everyday player markocar
marecar not markocar
playing hourly:), everyday.
Add me please tazza1986
Add me pls dossc
great guide! thank you :) already friend in game ; ulasbeyi ;)
Add drndara also!
Thks for your guide ! => titoin
Taliana add me
Add me plz daily player chocomil
ADD: mnglface
Will gift and feed.
Yes! I was wondering if my current friends read this. Happy fishing ulasbeyi!
thanks! i'm addicted to this game! add me MissCarp
I'd really like to know how to breed the fish in your aquarium
You cannot breed the fish in your aquarium. That is simply not an option within the game.
John Fisherman
User ID:wh0r3
'thats a Zero and Three'
r7racer add please
Add me, ldjrnz. Play and will feed ur fish daily. Thank you!
Add me please, ldjrnz! I'll feed ur fish daily! Thank you!
Daily player "shane0" thats a zero on the end :) i can only seem to find chinese names in game on friend search reccomendations that never accept :(
plzz add me also xiexieya
add me cchanaf.
i play every hour!
I play every day. Please add me. Baticus
Add yuhjah
Add me please, everyday i go fishing. Ghard
add me joentje
me adicionem jogo diariamente : akira05
Add me pls webb7575
add me im always online..fully equipted
username: enure
add me bkw664
Add me ARHB,daily player..
add me: wuw
daily player
Add me plz Sneaky88
Add me-Jamie42 Daily player
add me: stattea01
Add me Marolina active player lvl 17 atm
Add me NutiX, I'm a daily player will feed and send gifts daily. Thanks in advance.
Everyday player lookin for friends. Add Namuuu
Daily player looking for friends.
ID: Kolumbai
Daily loking for friends.
ID: oznerek
Daily player...feeds and sends gifts!! Lvl 19 until Now.
#drag0n1 thats drag(zero)n1
invite pls i like to help you
username: Finchi
RoosterR - Please add me if you can. Thanks :o)
ID Wormhole
Add me
ID: uniqquue
I can really use some help my id # 1237891
Add me :Zoel94
add me: ZoelO
Add me charlesyim07
Feel free to add me: CopyLeft
Please, add me: djogani
please add - dadymy
Please add me... Daily player.. AceEL
please add me !!!!!daily player!!!!!
ID: 1galaxy1
Add me id :muallim
AresOgadmin thank you for friending my new id 2ndTime you may delete id packfan got a new phone couldnt get game to switch phones. Love this game. Was up to level23 broke my heart will accept any charity if its possible.
Lvl 24 lookin for friends on evey day : Corpsey
add me please
add me please
Add me: trapster
I play everyday, add me please: Bingoad
My name is bradisonn
I have plenty of room for friends.
Add me:: MtyMouse
Add me please: eddytam
I play everyday !
Looking for a active friend? : lamme
Add me i play this game everyday! pP124967
I play everyday, add me please:) id: ras83
You're welcome!
add me please...everyday player...all day everyday... ( bigpona )
please add ID: bigpona im in desperate need of friends
Play every day... Nchiz99
Add me: zoel94
Add me please. I play multiple times everyday and I need some good friends. I gift and go to friends aquarium game id is Doa4201 thx
Add me at: Kimjunh
Happy fishing~
Add me please :) mackenal
Add me play everyday. Habu2u
Add me kronic12 always on and helping :)
Add me tinman33
hihi how do you earn stars in games beside winning a competition?
i am also having trouble trying to land boss fishes..
Lv 28 Gears equipped :
Hero D Rod +6
Cool Beach Set +6
Str 433/441
Agl 299/304
Con 241/245
Atk 1394
Skill 1239
Str 911
Luck 90
Fish keep revive and dash back to 30m then its status will drop to orange or green. How do i catch it 30m is impossible and the fish wont get tired... saddd
Please Add: Reel1t and asderon, we play everyday and need friends!! please add
Sent a bajillion recommended friend invites, never any responses. So if you need a friend, add "Champ10N"!
add me plz
Add me : Badgery, Active player!
Hard time finding friends. Play gift and feed daily. Texasjim
every day player ! pls add me : deathdreams
Add me jnierman play daily
add me HieuPhan & your fish will be fed daily B-)
Please add; ahmedy14
Pls add me; bunnyfu
hi, anyone knows how to send multiple gifts? i received 6 gifts from a same person today and yesterday i received 5. its a korean id the gifts he sent was 4 upgrade scrolls and 2 pumpkin.
Add me. Hourly player. Id is maxheng.
How can i request for.baits as gifts? I cant figure that out
add me if you gift, accept request & feed daily #tetryo
I'm on at least 3 times a day and I feed fish add me
User: Mec90
add me. Active Player.. User: endless3
add me ashido
Add me #tetryo super active. I send Energy or the best item, accept requests and help out your aquarium everyday. Hope you do the same too *Cheers*
please send only energy and accept request. do not send baits as it can be bought with golds.
everyday player please add me
Hourly player.
Which place and fish that give high xp and gold??
Everytime i leave the game, i am removed from friends weekly catch ranking. Anybody else with same problem?
add me ccrfc
Everyday Player #snitsch add me
Add me trunglvq, play daily!
Add me: YuZherio
Add ziggyzoo!
Add us #tetryo & #cheebyee super active. I send Energy or the best item, accept requests and help out your aquarium everyday. Hope you do the same too *Cheers*
On almost every 30 mins to fish in premium site! Please send only Energy / Aqua Scrolls and not baits thanks alot!!
My first time blogging, but I love this game!! I don't send baits as of yet, but always send help and feed fish everyday. With others' help, I will send bait gifts as possible. I'm on 10X a day at least. User Name: dinkdink
Fish455 play everyday and need more friends!
I LOVE THIS GAme..everyday player..newbie but im always online..add me plssss wahab187
Add me !!! fishsiao
Hello please add me, playing every day : hdhahafd
add me netsrek
Please kindly add me: Aravinth
pls add: horstiii
active, feed every day, ...
Please add : shootsp
Plz add: azlu
please add me, daily player :
add me: ranyx/ ryan9017
Daily player add me. alby002
Please add punee07, u shall not regret
Hii! Add #tetryo & #cheebyee to your list. Super active! Play everyday almost every hour. Send Gifts, Acknowledge Request, Mend your Aquarium!! Please help by sending only Expansion Scrolls and Upgrade Scrolls thanks alot!! We do the same without fail everyday *cheers*
Welcome to Circle of Stars. I am looking for very active anglers with only STAR fishes in their aquarium. Message me your ign and we will add you to friend list.
Welcome to Circle of Stars. I am looking for very active anglers with only STAR fishes in their aquarium. Message me your ign and we will add you to friend list.Email :
pls add me, im daily player: dozzman
Add me.. faiyaz
Add me .I play everyday
You can gift any item on the list without any cost to yourself. Preferably send energy, because it costs stars where bait can be purchased with gold.
Please add me... I'm a daily player thanks!!
Id is Ericjj
Add ME ACtive Player MrJesse
Add me #Tamsboz
I play every day, (at LEAST once a day) always feed friends fish and never refuse requests for help items.
I AM the friend you need for fishing superstars.
I'm Azza76, currently at level 16. I need Friends real bad, I play everyday many times even while at work.
I'm Ashok7, current in Level 17, I am on the game most of the days, so add me. Please only send scrolls, and battery
Add me #Tamsboz.
IAM the kind of friend you NEED to quickly make progress in this superb game.
I play several times per day (every day), visit all my friends daily to feed their fish and I NEVER refuse requests for upgrade items.
Add me #Tamsboz.
Hi iam.News in this Game .atm Lvl 5 Andi need Home Help.iam.locking For activ friends .i Feed fishes Evers day And always send the best gift.
Pls Add me me girly20
Greets Desire
Add .. 13Sarah
Add me mvalle7
Add me please. I Play every day
name: buster69
Add me username : parutz
Iplay every day , all day :d
Add me please! Username is pooche
Add me Sori21 , i play all day everey day !
Add me trashstork , I play all the time! Thank you :)
Please add TatTam, play everyday.
Level 18 and still no Friends :( someone? Username: theow
Username: vilamius
Invite me, pls!
Add me LIFisherman
Please add me- rustdogg
Add me please : KorpS39
Add me: Wolvepac
I'm level 37 - daily player!
Add me please : anogan
Please add me kingofcourt
I play every day.
User ID's can only be 8 characters long. your user ID is located at the top left of your screen while on the main menu. Good luck with your friends list!
John Fisherman
User ID: wh0r3
'That's a Zero and Three'
Add me. i feed fish and send gifs every day.
Please add me! Always on!
Add me and my girlfriend
1. Jambogs
2. Gillyne
Plays everyday. Thank you.
Add me please
Daily player
drakon78 please add me
accept everyone, no matter which level
Add me >>> Freaxx <<<
Add me- valyok25
Add me pleade have no friends and need gifts to complete quests will send back. Playing more than once a day #gayboy7
Need some friends also. Please add mehr. Skinner7
Add undies
hi plz add FCKling i play a lot.
add me rob1711, feed and play daily
add me mausi323
Add me xSkeeter
add lilyfee
Add me bentz21
add me plzzzz
Add me r4inb0w, daily sender!!
Add me starKLZH, everyday player
Please add me, I'm a daily player, will feed your fishes and gift daily.
in game name - alinaly
Just downloaded this game and played for hours over the weekend! Will continue playing daily and need friends! Add me: GSus15
Please add me up to level 35 now and feed friends fish daily.
In game name
John the fisherman:
Looking for help...what is the best place to spend stars? Gear? fishing rods? bait? treasure? I have spent a lot opening treasure and on bait. I want to progress much higher than I am. I see many of my friends at lower levels with weaker rods catching fish I cant and also higher rods but stronger gear and catching fish I cant. What is your strategy??? if you want to keep it private.
Daiily player also I'll feed ur fish and send gift scroll etc...
add me plz
please add me: kyleber
Please add me
>>>>> KalystoC
Daily player add me
Daily player add me : fiishie
Hey everyone, Feel free to add me. My game gamevil id is "cyferson" I play about 4-7 x's a day.
Daily player add me wilenez
Add me wilenez
Add me wilenez
add me Hosse
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