This was posted with the intent to inform the new players of Fishing Superstars that you do NOT have to spend money on this game. Though it will make your fishing experience more successful faster, with a little time and a lot patience you will soon become the next Fishing Superstar! The best way to surpass my stats on this game is to participate in seasonal events, competitions and put together an excellent friends list. None of the monster fish I have caught nor these high stats would have been possible without the help of my awesome friends list. As I have stated before in this blog; fishing superstars must support their fellow fishing superstars. Also, SAVE YOUR STARS!: do not use your stars on treasure chests or to feed fish. Instead, save your stars for new rods, equipment and bait (in that exact order). Stars are hard to come by and hard to earn and fishing rods that can be purchased with stars ALWAYS have a higher 'LUCK' and 'ATTACK' stats and will be well worth the wait after you purchase one. These 'star worthy' rods will allow you to catch the challenging monster fish in the game. Once you are able to catch the monster fish you will be able to sell them for stars thus making your star stockpile replenish itself. Fish On!
John Fisherman
admin> fishingsuperstarsplayersguide.blogspot.com
User ID: wh0r3
'That's a Zero and Three'
1 – 200 of 259 Newer› Newest»Great looking stats
I am having trouble with Red Flag Isurus. I currently have max stats cool beach set with +5 and shark the Blood +10.
Keep it up John.
My stats are lower than half of yours. Lucky that I have caught two black snakeheads but sad still unable to catch a Yello Tail or a Blackfin Barracuda.
i have the hurricane storm rod +9
i have caught the big black snakehead a few levels ago so my stats were actually lower but smaller fish like the barracuda and the big black sea bass seem impossible to cdatch for me im starting to think its all aboput luck of the draw or cast so to speak lol
p.s. i only have the flame set plus 3 on all and the pumpkin head +4 and am only level 39 #tcbfffff
Thanks John, thinking I was the only one...speaking of having great friends, just deleted 8 non daily players (and cont to monitor)...NEED DAILY PLAYERS THAT GIVE ENERGY AND LIKE TO REC ENERGY DAILY...HIT ME UP
Level 42
I'v just added you, hope u accept.
Im very active and I'v also just "cleaned" my list...
I made the last post...
thnx for sharing this, we're on the same
side still can't catch one, a disspointment last night, battle with
black snake head for almost an hour,
finally had to give up on it, revive so
many times makes my finger tired, haha i
hope can catch them soon #Archerin
add me, im an hardcore player although
still at lvl 30. best of luck to monster hunter!!
same here i got slightly better stats than u. but still fail on catch that stupid monster snake head lol. maybe if a forum is up, then i will post my profile as well XD
catched like 5-7 big black snakeheads in the last few days with 1500~ att :S
yet only got the ones with 30-40m casts.. the <20m casts are somehow much tougher.
plz add me, im a dayli player!
id: angii1
How do I unfriend inactive players? Please add me if you play alot, I always gift and feed fish. Please don't add if ur horns serious player. Level 35
Just caught 2 today, an s and an a ranked. Mid distance (20m) middle cast, tok them dowm with minimal effort. Level 35 with beach set +3 hat +4 for contrl, hero D +7 currently. Just got to be vigilant
"options" and then "manage friends"
just select the one you want deleted....
The reason you are having so much trouble is simple - you're casting too close. When you cast too close fish will always stay in beast mode until they reach half the max distance for the site. For non-monster fish, this isn't a big deal. But, for monster fish it'll make it nearly impossible to reel them in because they revive their energy before you can reel them all the way in. Try casting for one of the nearer ripples and you'll have better success.
My Achilles heel is the king piracnu. Can't get anywhere close to getting him! I have gone through more cranks than I would like to know, when I finally get him to bite- he rips me to shreds. I wait til I get a level higher and strength.. Same thing!! Level 43... Not giving up I just need to get my contest stars sooooon :)
I think I know your problem. I have caught a black head at lvl 30-31 can't remember. My stats are a less than half your. I think the problem is your luck is too high. I caught B ranked one but I could tell I couldn't handle higher rank. Also it only revived once. I saved my skill and reeled it in real fast. I saw a lvl 24 guy with bad equipment have one in his aquarium so I knew it had to be a way. Lowering luck may let you catch lower ranked version.
Also I would love to join the fishing group on this forum play daily. I'm lvl 32.
My in game id is meishi. Add me, i play many times aday.lvl 41 now. How can i request for baits?
ApostleC really thanks to you, i caught my first SS black snakehead! i aim/cast it near 16m+ instead of as near as possible. and i found it alot easier to reel as it give green/orange when 6~9m, and i manage to catch it in 1 go. guess the next few monster fish should be done too soon later.
I am just about to try all tbe ideas i have just read let u know which ones work all i k.ow is the last time i had him hooked i battled for 3 hours with out getting close #rissa85
O.M.G i just caught one yay go rissa lol s minnow only have summer set +6 star seeker rod +7 first cast 16.7m lost him sec9nd cast 17m finaly got him thank u to everyone on this wonderful forum for all the input and advice
Hee hee my partner is now trying for 1 lol #rissa85 and #nortyboy
Been trying to add ya..Looks like we are both hot items...seems like neither one of us are fast enough before our friend slots are filled...lol..will keep trying though since i clean my list every 2-3 days
Hopeing for some help. Can't catch the blackfin barracuda.
Are my stats good enough to get the blackfin barracuda? Any tips how to catch it.
My stats are:
strength: 9xx
agility: 9xx
concentration: 8xx
attack: 13xx
skill: 12xx
control: 8xx
luck: 60
Use the Hurricane Storm +14 rod.
Please help.
is it possible to get fish eggs from catching monster fishes in someones aquarium?
why i never get egg however i can catch 5 aligator gar and 2 nile perch from the other player aquarium?
Add me:
Lvl 35, daily player
ID: m4dc4t
Need active players
Your stats are absolutely sufficient for catching the blackfin barracuda. Just keep throwing out those A-Worms and eventually you will get one. even with my stats I failed at reeling in 2 before I actually caught the 3rd. I finally caught the Saury I needed to finish the event. Looking forward for the much needed stars!
Fish on!
John Fisherman
Admin> fishingsuperstarsplayersguide.blogspot.com
User ID: wh0r3
'That's a Zero and Three'
I saw one of the player (>Lv 60) with Shark the Blood +18. How can he achieve that? Any one know?
ID: 騰尼
i got shark the blood +18 too. but used up tons of stars($), got too addicted with this game i think.
@Retch Your welcome what part helped the most? The luck...
lol actually its the middle-far casting part. since i always cast near. casting near kept it beserking. but casting further abit its able to become "green" "orange" more often.
Btw i just cleaned friend list. lefting a few like aresog and some others who kept monster/star fish in aqua.Only accepting friends who put only monster/"stars" fish in aqua and send only energy batt+"ok"ing. if u meet this requirement, pls add Rtech.
Thanks a lot for this blog John. I caught my Monster Black Snakehead in 3rd try. Its in my aquarium now. But if you look at my stats you might laugh. I took a screenshot of stats but don't if allowed to post here.
Strength 132/427
AGL 107/294
CON 94/236
Oh by the way I'm at level 27 and userid is kage2k3
I forgot to mention it above.
so i have a question can you fish for gar in a friends aquarium and achieve an egg for it even if you have not caught one at the actual site yet? so mainly if its not in my illustrated book can i still get an egg for a fish from a friends aquarium???
to the person trying to get the blackfin barracuda i found that i hooked one almost every other cast with the s worm use it if u got it it worked almost every time for me however am still yet to catch it lol #tcbfffff
John Fisherman, you wrote "Your stats are absolutely sufficient for catching the blackfin barracuda" That gave me hope. And yesterday I hooked about 8-10 blackfin barracuda, but every time it just went red or crazy red from start until it went max out.
Is it just a very difficult fish to land or am I just unlucky?
I only need the the Blackfin Barracuda and the Saury to have caught every fish in the event which ends in 29 hours.
So my fellow Superstar fishermen and women, please help with tips to help defeat the aggressive blackfin barracuda.
Best is to lower luck (i had 14 ) 10 from the minnow and 4 from gear.
you need to cast it just +/- 24 m the best is to follow it with your rod i caught 2 out of 3. and the 2 were over the 24 m line 1 s and 1 sss
you can see i got them in aquarium.
add me if you want #Spawn86
So now I'm trying to catch King Pirarucu. But its a little harder to catch than Black Snakehead. I just lost 594 cm fish. Can someone help? John?
@ Slotte
I wish I had better advice on the barracuda. Been able to hook at least 5 with A worm but cant get the the buggers in. Making it an all day effort however. Going to try the S Worm too. If this is any consoliation, I had no difficulties with the saury and have caught several with NO problems.
Best of luck
I couldn't catch a thing without this blog. Caught black snakehead, Pirarucu and alligator gar today. I'm keeping them in my aquarium so my friends can hatch eggs out of them.
Hardcore daily gifter, feeder & high level player.
All those who add me must be active & FEED MY FISHES DAILY.
I send energy and feed fishes to all my 40-50 friends daily.
All hardcores welcome to add me at Fucface or if can't then try Dragoncy.
Currently left 10 slots. All hardcores welcome to add me up. Inactive or non fish feeders will be removed weekly.
See ya guys in game!
i need some advice on witch Equipment to buy.
I got the rider package right now(+6)
I got 150K+gold, so what should I buy?
I bought the pumpkim head, but it costed a fortune to repair, so that wasnt any good...
How do you hook a Blackfin Barracuda?
I've wasted probably 50 earthworm baits, 50 shrimp baits and 50 worm baits and not even a bite :(
time is running out for this quest... it's the last fish I need... argh!
same here, still can't get the barracuda
Finally caught the blackfin barracuda!
Star Seeker + 6
Strength: 901
Agility: 859
Concentration: 776
Attack: 1003
Skill: 879
Control: 557
I spent probably 100 A worm baits and hooked two Blackfin Barracuda. Tossed in the middle around 20-26m.
The first time I hooked it, it was 80 cm. It was my first time learning this fish. When it was green I was a bit conservative on how quickly I reeled it in, didn't want my tension too quickly climb. Got it to about 40 strength left and it swam away.
Second hook, it was 140cm. Did everything I could perfectly. When it was red / angry held it right before line would increase (around 4 vibrations), and a very minimal tension release (0.5m) movement. When it went green or orange, reeled it in as fast as I could (depending on how low my tension got, probably around 2-4 revolutions) before it would go red / angry. Eventually got it down to 17 attack and it swam away.
Third attempted used S-worm. Hooked one after 4 cast. Fish was 140cm. There was one time when I reeled it in too much and my line quickly jumped to a super high tension, at that point I gave up and let it swim away.
I thought to myself... if I can only get the 80cm fish again, like my first attempt; I might have a chance... so I used my b-worm bait.
Hooked a 100cm fish with my b-worm bait after maybe 20 cast. I knew I had to do everything perfectly because this fish is always angry (at least for me) and have very limited opportunities to drain any energy. So every time it went green or orange, made sure i can get in the max revolutions without making my tension go too high. When it was red/angry I held it for the max time possible with an ever so slight release in tension. I got in two skills and made sure that I got the full attack power of them. Around 53cm I finally was able to drain all its energy and was able to reel it in!
This was definitely much hard for me to catch than the black snakehead.
Good luck to all!
Just cleaned up my friend list. I feed & gift daily. Level 38,add me: t0k3 (that's a zero)
I am pretty new at this game and I need some advice because I have probably spent $50 in this game but haven't caught anything over 110cm and reeled it in. I am only a lvl 15 with sports gear +1 and a flame knife +5 can anyone tell me if that is good for my levels and some ways to get gold and stars without spending my parents $$$$?
Add me: Guhjkl3 if I am inactive for a while I lose my phone a lot so don't unfriend me. I feed fish daily and send gifts add me
add me, play daily, always give and take upgrade scroll and feed fishes
need more friends ;)
Just cleaned friend list. lefting a few like aresog and some others who kept monster/star fish in aqua.Only accepting friends who put ONLY monster/"stars" fish in aqua(if i see any non star/monster fish in your aqua i will delete you,NOT even 1) if u meet this requirement, pls add Rtech
*Currently having 3 monster fish and a handful of "red" star fishes.
opps amendment, 4 monster fish now lol.
Btw i would like to ask more senior players, if i caught a monster fish, am i able to recatch it? or i must sell away my current 1 in order to catch another? or in the whole game u can catch once only?Thanks in advance for any elightenment.
Yes you can catch multiple monster fish.
what i mean is not thru friends aqua. but from fishing spot. So i take it, i must sell the current monster fish i have to catch another of same kind at same spot?
Rtech- yes, you can, I have caught the monster snakehead at the fishing site multiple times
- shehxyeb lvl 44
Can someone help me pls. What's the second last fish at black rock beach and what bait to use?? I'm at my wits end trying to catch it lol
Caught second with one in my tank so i dont think it matters.
both is caught from fishing spot? or 1 from friend aquarium?
Hey guys, I wonder why so many female characters are using the zebra set equipment but not using the cool beach set equipment which is the strongest set.
What's the name of the fish? The not knowing is killing me..lol and any info on the bait used would be greatly appreciate : )
There is a new event to catch Turkeys. Normal turkey would give you 3 stars per turkey. And fully baked turkey will give you Energy+10 per turkey.
I already caught 7 Turkeys in less than 30 minutes in Wapo River using S-minnow. Also caught 2 full baked turkeys in Paho Shore using same bait. Cast your rod to full length a few cm to the right, you will catch a turkey for sure.
I hope it was helpful.
Catched a lot at Jade Wharf with A-,B-, and S-Worm!
Greetings KongoPa
Hi iam looking For activ Player .iam close to lvl 30 with Full succubus Set And golden Rod +8.
Atm iam checking which of my Friends arent aktive enough And changing theese ppl For activ Player.only add me pls if u catch Star fishes Andi keep thm in aquarium.atm i didnt catch big black sneakhead but iam working hard on it.so if u looking For a very activ Player which sends u ONLY The best gifts Andi Not the cheap bait crap. Iam feeding ONLY the High rank fishes ! .friendlY greetz. Add:manuel88 if thIs dont work try:manu1688
Anybody? Name of second last fish at black rock beach? What bait to use?
need more friends.
add me scharky
Do anyone know what is the maximum number of possible upgrade for rods and equipment? +15 is it maximum?
ID: 騰尼 (Lv 43)
+18. ytd jsut spent hundred+ more on this game lol... manage to get +17 set and my shark at 18.
Only accepting FRIEND REQUEST,if you have monster/red(star only) FISHES in aquarium. If so, pls add Rtech.
PS:Even if u add me,i accept it, but check u got only normal or most of them are normal fishes, i WILL delete you.
Looking for more friends. Daily player, level 30.
add - gittt152
small problem...
I got the "shark the blood" rod +10. The last 5 times i wanted to upgrade it, it had failed...
Am I just unlucky??
lol yes i guess, im quite lucky in upgrading stuffs. im at around 80% paassing rate , 20% failing. lolol, but i can say i spent tons of money >< (eg: i instantly bought the new costume set and +15~+18 it) not sure it helpes? but maybe?
level 29 daily player #kay2. add me if you are a daily player and respond to request and gift and feed fish daily.
hey can someone please tell me where i can find these turkeys i got nothin after an hour of fishing and over twenty of both baits am i fishing in the wrong areas any help would be greatly appreciated i just need the stars and am a bit too broke to be buying them lol so if i can earn some i will i just need to know where #tcbfffff
Add me ID: ApostleC
Hi.i just wonder how ppl with Low stats catch big Bad sh so easyly And other ppl spend real money Got good stats with nice Set And are Not Even bloße to catch him.Something goes wrong here. ...........a friend never spend real money Is 5 lvl lower as me an catched him twice i dont See the point if i spend a lot of money and playing every day an dort even have a Chance to catch him.after 190 S-minnow and no catch i get a Bit depressed. ...would be nice if some1 could explain the System hehe to.me.atm i looks For me thats better to dont spend real money.
Hi all. I am a lvl 45 and keep only star fish in tank. I gift daily. I am looking for active neighbors that only keep stars and active daily. I just cleaned list and have 14 openings.
PS- any advise on where to cast to snag a king piracnu??
for monster fish like black snakehead etc, jsut cast middle~far (near wave would be good) thats all. everytime i fail is i cast too near, after someone told me to cast further away i always catches it.
Those with only normal fish in aquarium pls stop adding me, i will jsut delete you after i check, ONLY accepting friend request if your aquarium consist of monster/star fishes.(AGAIN, NO NORMAL FISH, be it yellow/red color. All i want is sell for STAR only fishes.)
There's a trick when battling monster fishes.
You do realise that whenever the stamina of the fish you're pulling in reaches 4% or less, it remains in a permanent green state? That is the chance for you to release all the tension in your rod until just barely hitting zero tension, and then you start reeling in hard and furious.
P/S: I just taken down a White Tiger Shark with only 1 revive ^^
Quick question on fishing higher leveled fishes. Are you guys only reeling on green? or on orange as well? I'm a mid level player (1250 atk, 1100 skil, 720 control), and been having some trouble catching some mid level fishes such as Taimen, Sturgeon, Sailfish, blackfin barracuda. I keep my tension at aroudn 2/3-3/4 of the way the entire time, hold the reel for about 4 pulses, release and lose about 0.5 yards between holds, but still struggle really badly with these fishes. Is there a secret that I'm doing wrong? I've seen other players with around 1300 atk who were able to catch Monster Pikes, King Pirarucus, angled sturgeons, mad goliath tigers, etc.
Any tips? Is my control simply just too low due to not having all star items?
I think your stats is a bit to low. Its fairly strong fish you want to catch. Your should get your strengh up at least..
What do I need to play at the Secret Garden?
Hi iam lvl 32 Full sucubus Andi goldenRod Plus 9.i catched my First Star fisch an keeping it. (Aligator gar (rus) ) if he Is Sss iam.gonna sell all other fishes Andi ONLY keep Star fishes.iam Playing Every dasy And i send only good gifts.so iam looking For activ friends with Star fishes.Add manu1688
I am level 42 player, please add me
Got 3 Monster fishes For now. Andi i keep them. If u have Monster fishes and keep themfeel free to Add me.i play every day And ONLY send good gifts Not like other Player.......
Golden Rod +9
Sucubus Set +5
Monster fishes.
2x Aligator gar (rus)
Nile perch
Add manu1688
Hey fellow fishermen :)
Im looking for active players with "stars" fishes (red/purple name which can be sold for stars) in their aquarium. Ive about 12-15 of such fish daily in mine.
curretly lvl 39
Att 16xx
Skill 15xx
stats all at max of my lvl
Please add me to keep our aquarium full of star fishes everytime ! :)
Ign: Loftery
P.s :Rtech and manu1688 ive added u guys pls accept. John could u give me a slot, couldnt add u (was full). thanks
Hey fellow fishermen :)
Im looking for active players with "stars" fishes (red/purple name which can be sold for stars) in their aquarium. Ive about 12-15 of such fish daily in mine.
curretly lvl 39
Att 16xx
Skill 15xx
stats all at max of my lvl
Please add me to keep our aquarium full of star fishes everytime ! :)
Ign: Loftery
P.s :Rtech and manu1688 ive added u guys pls accept. John could u give me a slot, couldnt add u (was full). thanks
Thanks for Add.nice char by the way hehe.
Greets manu1688
Thank you for Add .Greets manu 1688
Hey guys ive a question.
Now iam.Lvl 33
Golden Rod +9
Sucubus Set +5
Ive 2700Stars And would like to buy shark the blood and later i think with Lvl 40 the military Set. Good way?
Would be.nice if u could help me
Friendly Greets manu1688
Add me to friends
ID : Silveros
About the turkey event, i cought many of em in emerarld fjord, 5-7 turkey about 15 throw.. I just cast near and abit to the right or way to the right, n using A @ B earthworm.. Hope this help :-)
Lvl 39
Made room for you today... get at me!
~John Fisherman
Admin> fishingsuperstarsplayersguide.blogspot.com
User ID: wh0r3
'That's a Zero and Three'
Need someone who feed your fish, help your request and send energy to you, add me CakNing or DinoSan, and don't forget to do the same thing for me.
hi, i'm an active players, sent gift everyday,please add me:
rofl of cos its fake. you cant even trade in-game, and if he say pass him acct details and he deposit inside probably using some hack. well money making machine uh..
Sorry I had to censor you. I honestly thought it was hilarious but have to keep the blog free of swearwords, but I also must keep it free of bogus spam so I also deleted fishingcrack's more inapropriate comment. No offense to anyone (except fishingcrack).
John Fisherman
Admin> fishingsuperstarsplayersguide.blogspot.com
User ID: wh0r3
'That's a Zero and Three'
Hi, John Fisherman, I saw your friend list is full. Would you mind add me as your friend? I have all star fishes in my aquarium and I'm a daily player and send gift everyday. Thanks.
ID: 騰尼
hi fishing lovers!
Im new in this blog, but i already found some nice information for better fishing right here.
since the last weeks i enjoy the game very much and i collected different informations.
i made a pdf-document with all information i found here and on other sites.
there are still some information missing, please fell free to help me out ;-)
you can download the pdf at:
ive you are wondering why the nr. of the fishes isnt in the list, its happen because the nr. chances.
at last, sorry for my bad english, since 28 years im out of scool.
Chatgirl (no im male ;-)
ADD ME, I'm an active player who have 10+ fishes that sells for stars in my aquarium, i only accept friends who are high level, active, gift and request everyday. (If i accepted you and you did not gift or request everyday i will delete you) ADD ME @ bobphua
is it just me or anybody else experience a slight lagging/ delay when casting or hit the fish? I can't make a perfect cast and hit anymore :(
this is happened right after I upgraded to jelly bean 4.2
John could you update the fish location and bait list? It would be very helpful.
Been playing these game daily and im still trying my best to get things right.. hoping to get more friends to lvl up. I send gifts and feed fishes.. add me VamPrinc
Hi guys, thanks for your precious advices, I need friends for star fishes, I've some of them in my acquarium (Need only friends with star fishes)
add me if you want
Daily player,looking for friends with star fishes...i have 5 for now.
Add cessone lvl 42
Cessone and Bobphua,
I tried to add you but your list is full. I do indeed match your criteria and am looking for the same friends. I am leaving your spots open for the next couple of days, get at me!
John Fisherman
Admin> fishingsuperstarsplayersguide.blogspot.com
User ID: wh0r3
'That's a Zero and Three'
I rmb u adding me and i accepted. but i didnt see u anywhere in my buddy. mayb theres a bug or disconnection somewhere. could u add me again? sorry and thanks !
Loftery :)
I'm adding you right now wh0r3...9 star fishes lvl44.
Ps i've just received 25 event stars,what event are they talking about?not the turkey one,i hope, since they should be 60
I received 35 event stars and I don't know why since the turkey event isn't over.
Hi, my lvl is #42 and i've 9 starred fish in my aquarium. Add me if u're already have, i'll erase another players.
I currently have some friend slots open. add me if you are an active player. I am very active, level 42.
ID: scharky
I'm level 27. I have friend slot open. Add me
ID: Sberny84
i'm playing every day. LVL 42. Star fishes. Add please. My
ID: sonja1010
Slotte - The event stars were probably for fish caught at Evening Sunset Wharf. 5 stars/fish.
Just getting into the game. Level 11 so far, but would love some friends.
anyone here??
not many post the last week or so...
Oh I am definitely still here. Been fishing for stars like crazy! Finally earned the 'Shark the Blood' and have it at +9. Soon it will be more powerful then my Hero D+15. For now I am continuing my breeding conquest until I earn the Military gear and max that out. Of course by then there may be a new update providing me with an even better rod to shoot for. Current Stats:
ATT 2128
SKILL 1995
STR 1384
Hero D +15, Zebra Silk Cap+9, Zebra Bikini Top+10, Zebra Bikini Pants+9, Zebra Silk Gloves+9, Zebra Sandals+9.
John Fisherman
Admin> fishingsuperstarsplayersguide.blogspot.com
User ID: wh0r3
'That's a Zero and Three'
looking for friends. half of mine are already hardly playing.
im at level 45 and play daily.
pls add me if u play daily.
my id is raakesh.
tight lines...
nice stats wh0r3...
im pretty close:
ATT 2108
SKILL 1927
STR 1337
got the Military gear +2/3...
Still got trouble with some of the monsters...
I caught snakehead, pike and pirarucu as the only 6 star fish....
still not strong enough to get the rest.. YET :D
I understand that this may be a very dumb question, but how do I give upgrade scrolls to my friends? I am level 25 now.
Hello everyone,
Looking for some friends to farm star fishes. Have 14/14, active player, gifts and requests on daily basis. If you have 70-80% starfishes in your aquarium....
Please add BP777
and also MrMeia
10+ starfishes, active player
you cant give scrools as a gift. your friend have to request it, and then u can accept the request...
Please add me, I'm a daily player, will feed your fishes and gift daily.
in game name - alinaly
Got a couple open spots for new friends. Add me!
just cleaned up my list and lookin for some high level daily players. I'm level 47 with plenty of star fishes in my aquarium
add me! free gifts and food for all!! :D
BTW to all fishers of the game... the strategy of keeping only star fish in your aquarium works fantastic!! caught 2 eggs yesterday and put in my aquarium. For all star strategy fishers remember...your star carrying friends will not be feeding your fish as they will be practice fishing!! Monitor their gifting not their feeding!!
ID: dinkdink
Pleas add me ill be good tot you!!
Looking for Friends with Star fishes
Im lvl 53 #Chatgirl (but i am male;-)
ATT 2341
Skill 2241
Str 1513
Luck 81
Mil-Look 8+
Shark the blood 15+
Have cleared my friendlist
got starfishes in my aqua:
1.Big Black Snake
2. monster Pike
3.King Pirarucu
4.Wels Catfish
6.Angled Sturgeon
7. Goliath Tiger
8.Nile Perch
9.Alligator Gar
11.Giant Grouper
Rest of my slots are growing other fishes/starfishes
Ive you are highlevelplayer feel free to ad me
For me the samen problem, Just can't catcher the blackfin barracuda!
Does anyone have some tips For me?
My stats are:
Luck 42
Plz help me out!
I am lvl 44 and a daily player.
Feeding your fishes an giving presents daily.
add me #DonOlli
Daily player add me : fiishie
Hello all,
lvl 37 daily player here: Katsudon
Have a stock of 10+star fishies in my tank. I just cleared my list and have 6 free spots open. Would like to add fellow players with star fishies and daily energy and upgrade gifters.
damn that upgrade...
shark the blood lvl 15 has failed 5 times now.... costed me more than 250K gold :(
Same here....but now I got it up to level 16.
Level 61
Looking for friends with Lv 45 or above and with expensive (>$2500) or star fishes in aquarium.
Please add me or release a slot for me to add you. Thanks.
ID: 騰尼 (Lv 51)
looking for active friends who send gifts and feed fish or fish itself.
i keep 10 star fish in my aquarium and try to build up more.
so i am looking for friends who keep star fish themself too so i can fish for egg's or feed fish
Add me: DaSpawn
Who's got the event data...whats the deal?
Hey johnny.....let's get this event fish IDs and locations.....attta boy
I have a query - does placing in the top 3 in the friends ranking for weekly catch give reward? I'm currently ranked 2nd and would love to know if I can look forward to some stars as a reward (greedy eyes) ;)
Lvl 38 daily player, star fish breeder (only star fishes in aqua) star fish breeders can add me.
Add McAss
John the fisher man i have a question if you catch and sell monster fish could you catch them again? Andrewsv im basically trying to earn stars for the shark the blood rod
you absolutely can! monster fish can be caught as many times as you cab hook them. that is how I was able to afford the shark th blood. look outh though, there is a newer, even better rod out now.
Yea twilight but that's just to much. So I set my goal for the shark the blodd thanks for the respond so quickly
Looking for more "Star Farmers" here.. Add me! id: adam1000
Hey guys I have a question. If I buy Synthetic baits and use them at secret garden, what would be the chance of getting an alligator gar, nile perch or goliath tiger?
lvl 30 need friends
id: DevinBea
I need friends level 38
Id derek522
Has anyone used the upgrade potion? If so does it upgrade to the specified number (like +13) or is the upgrade a randomness + number? Let me know ...your advice is always appreciated
add me id. Pno84 daily play
sorry the right id is Pino84
i have all star worthy fish in my aquarium (1 purple and 17 red). i play/gift daily. i am looking for people with only star worthy fish in their aquarium also
add me: matt30
HI!! Thanks for the LIST.
Because of that i have all the special fishes!
Can someone tell me where to find the amberjack and with what bait???
The upgrade potion only upgrades your equipment +1, the other number is the highest that the potion will upgrade without failure.
I have "13" 3 star fish and "5" 6 star monsters. I need more star friends, I play daily.
level 52 star fishes add me fbrules
im just starting out but have played 3 or 4 times a day so far and made it to lvl 21 =] could use some freinds to help with leveling up
I need loyal members add me
Hey am an active player... Please add me... Name is Roxymoy9... Need help a lot.. thank you
Please add me, level 18 and climbing! Wrrrtrrr
Any Of u peeps wanna Add me..Serious & Daily players only. afew Rare fishes in my tank. Id(inobeez)lvl61
Serious n daily needed..add me (nariyan)lvl46
monster hunter
Im active enough so please add me..
Id : Lynchz
Cleared 5 spots of my inactives also. Almost level 39 with only star fish (alligator gar, nile perch, goliath tiger). I try and fish 3 times and feed twice. Also gift daily (energy or seasonal item). Please invite me if you would do the same. "Bingoad"
If you upgrade your equipment to +10 or higher you might have a chance to catch it..-enure
Cleared 4 spots of my in actives. Have star fish (alligator gar, nile perch, goliath tiger). I gift daily (energy or seasonal item). Only invite me if you do the same.
Id: Slotte
Ad 66pam66 need more peeps
please add lanzies
active player + daily gift + daily feeding
Add me please: Bauerfih
Add pls daily gifts..... Albiesid
Add me buklane daily player only...
lv 52
looking for full stars fish player
add me : flynhox
lv 54 active player
if you have only star fish and sent gift daily (me too) ...add me contedav
Add me
Daily player lv 37
Add me
Add me! Super active player! ^_^
Active player, add me: kzw90
See gift daily, active player
It se hard top have Good Friends
Please add me
User proch
Level 48
please add me: Gamr23
Level 36
I am a daily player and will feed your fish, and send gifts each day.
(I only have 11 friend slots left so whoever requests first I'll accept)
Please add me. I feed fish send gifts and am an active player.
Name is adamkene
Add me: c0lton
the "0" is a zero
Great blog man! I new in the game.
lv 20
I have the sport set+1 and solo wise +2, and the winder deluxe +3.
Its hard to won stars but is entertaining to play :P
Add me !
ID: Guarma
add me up!my id is idanzig :)
add me ryandih
active player :D
Daily active player lvl 35
Add me.. pollie85
add me Splenden
Im active player :)
Add me
ID: Dzagoda
Active player of course:)
Add me
I play every day
Add me
lvl53 dayly player and gifter
Lvl 35, daily player
I need active friends!
add me, fishyass lvl 31
Add me I have starfish. I need friends. RPintang, lvl 36
Help I need friends. Only have 2 friends. I only have starfish. I'll add anyone, especially players over lvl 30 or If you have starfIsh. Trying to create a circle of friends to help and be helped. PLEASE ADD: RPintang lvl 36
Well got some friends. Finally caught some starfish eggs and my daughter sells my whole fishtank. Back to square one. I'll come back quick. Lease don't delete as friend. RPintang lvl 36
Have some free slots and star fishes!
Only add me,if you have star fishes !
Lvl 32 lohn89
Does anyone know what bait to use for the new years fish?
Maybe the c-worm
Add me please, daily gifter
Name: marco596
Add me if u r into Wolfie farming
Add me
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